Spouses and support crew, this year’s Support Committee events mix business and pleasure.

Monday Social Event (Nov. 18): Let’s kick up our boots with a country line dancing lesson and tasty Texas snacks at the World’s Largest Honky Tonk, Billy Bob’s. Meet other women in the industry and show off your skills or learn some new ones. The cost is $25 per person and includes country line dancing lessons, one drink ticket, lunch and transportation to and from the venue. Reserve your spot during the convention registration process or here; reservations are required. The building, now known as Billy Bob’s, was built in 1910 as an open-air barn to house prize cattle for the Fort Worth Stock Show. It was upgraded in 1936, and livestock shows were held in the building until 1943. The building was used as an airplane factory during World War II, and in the 1950s, it was converted to a department store, and in April 1981, it became the Billy Bob’s we know today. Monday’s event is partially sponsored by GarrCo Products & Star-Flex.

Wednesday Athena Presentation (Nov. 20): This year’s Athena Project presentation is titled “What is Your Game Plan.” The Athena presenters and committee write the program for office employees, bookkeepers, working loaders, operators, pilots and family members. Whether you’re a spouse, office crew or family member, attend this session to gain inspiration, encouragement, and advice on better ways to serve our operation and the industry. All are invited and no RSVP is required. Athena presentation sponsored by Chuck Holzwarth Flying Service.

Wednesday Relationship Drift (Nov. 20): The Relationship Drift Session will examine how personal relationships affect pilot decision-making and safety. Men and women, including couples and office crew, should attend this session together. The format is similar to the popular Compaass Rose program, but instead of better facilitating ties between inexperienced pilots and more experienced operators, the relationship session is designed to facilitate relations between operators/pilots and their spouses or significant others and office crew. All are invited! Sponsored by Rotorcraft Repair & Manufacturing LLC.