National agricultural aviation association
NAAA offers a combination of open-access and premium content is available to NAAA members and visitors interested in the aerial application industry and the work NAAA is doing on its behalf.

Agricultural Aviation
Agricultural Aviation Magazine provides current information relevant to aerial application industry trends and regulations, scientific research and technology, as well as NAAA services and government relations efforts.

The NAAA eNewsletter is a timely source for information affecting the aerial application industry and enables members to stay current on important issues impacting agricultural aviation.
Members only

Media Relations Kit
The NAAA Media Relations Kit is designed to provide guidance and materials for your use as an aerial applicator when communicating to the public, students, media and officials.
Members only

NAAA Media Center
The Media Center is your resource for the latest NAAA and industry updates, including NAAA news releases and insight into what other media outlets are writing and reporting about the industry.

NAAA Headlines
NAAA headlines keep you up-to-date with current news in the industry and important industry topics.

Industry Surveys
NAAA periodically conducts surveys to collect information to better identify the scope of work the U.S. agricultural aviation industry performs and the equipment, products and application techniques used.

100th Anniversary
More than one hundred years ago, on Aug. 3, 1921, an aerial crop dusting experiment spawned the birth of the agricultural aviation industry. Explore the industry’s legacy after a century of agricultural aviation.